Product Information

Barley shōchū

Kujira No Kuromugi(Whale Black Barley)

Kujira No Kuromugi (Whale Black Barley)

Kujira No Kuromugi uses harushizuku barley from Fukuoka Prefecture, which is perfect for shōchū making, black kōji and jukaku hot spring water. It was distilled through vacuum distillation bringing out a young fruit aroma as well as a clear and sharp taste.

Authentic shōchū
Alcohol volume
Barley (harushizuku), malted rice (produced in Japan)
Black kōji
Distillation method
Vacuum distillation

Aroma/Taste scale

Aroma/Taste scale

Drinking temperature

Drinking temperature

For the best drinking experience


Water used

Jukaku hot spring water

Sakurajima is one of Japan’s most active volcanoes.
Looking up to it, is the city of Tarumizu where jukaku water gushes forth from 800m underground. It contains 8.89ppb (parts per billion) of water-soluble germanium which is a hundred times more than the average.
Water-soluble germanium can also be found in plants such as ginseng, reishi mushrooms, polypores, or garlic and has been used for the longest time to maintain health. Natural alkaline ionized water, jukaku, is also rich in natural minerals and is known to have excellent penetrating and extracting power due to its unusually small molecular structure.

Jukaku hot spring water

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